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Juan Pablo Carvallo

Executive Director - CEDIA, Ecuador

Juan Pablo Carvallo is the Executive Director of the Ecuadorian National Research and Education Network (CEDIA), tenure teacher of the Azuay University, Cuenca, Ecuador, and independent consultant in the field of Information Technologies.

He received his master degree in “Advanced Broadcast, Networks, Systems and Services” and his PhD in software engineering from the Catalonia Tech University, Barcelona, Spain. His research interests include software quality, software process improvement, hybrid systems architecture and requirements engineering among other. He served as Conference Chair, Program Committee Co-chair and Program Committee member, in several international conferences, and acted both as reviewer and author of papers in several conferences and journals, including IEEE RE, IEEE Software, Software Process Improvement and Practice, and Journal of Computer Science and Technology.

He is the author of over 80 international scientific publications, including 47 indexed in SCOPUS.
Juan Pablo Carvallo





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