Pedro Príncipe
Head of Division at University of Minho Documentation Services, Portugal’s Contact Node for OpenAire
Pedro Príncipe is Head of Division at University of Minho Documentation Services. Coordinates the Open Science Projects Office: OpenAIRE Advance, FOSTERPlus, FIT4RRI, FAIRsFAIR and RCAAP projects. In OpenAIRE Advance project he is working as support and training manager and Dashboard for Content Providers product manager, and is participating in the guidelines team and other technical tasks, as the usage statistics and the funder information services. He also had participation in several FP7 and H2020 funded projects related with Open Access and repositories: NECOBELAC, OpenAIRE-connect, MedOANET, and PASTEUR4OA. Graduated in New Communication Technologies and with training in information science and documentation. He has been involved in COAR Working Group on Repository Interoperability, and acting as member of the COAR Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Board. He was member of the National Executive Council of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists and documentalists (BAD) from 2011 to 2016 and in BAD is also Coordinator of the Academic Libraries working Group since 2014. He was recently appointed by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education to integrate the national working group on Portuguese Open Science Policy. Pedro Principe is also the chair of the Portuguese RDM Forum, annual event organized since 2016 to promote RDM strategies services in Portugal.
In the FAIR Working Group, Pedro Principe can share his experience within OpenAIRE infrastructure and on the challenges and strategies for the institutional and national settings for FAIR data and RDM services implementation.