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TICAL2020 and the 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting Proceedings Book is now available online for download

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TICAL and the e-Science Meeting were held online and with great participation between August 31 and September 3, 2020. During the events 18 papers submitted to the open call and selected by the Evaluation and Programme Committees, were presented in the different parallel sessions. This Book of Proceedings compiles these papers and groups them according to the lines of work that formed the theme of the Conference: “The Digital Route of an Intelligent University”.

Recordings of the TICAL2020 sessions are now available online

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There were dozens of sessions, 15 key speakers, presentations of innovative works and workshops on the most varied topics. And now all this content from the TICAL2020 and the 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting sessions, which took place online between August 31 and September 3, is available online for the Latin American research and education community.

All-female panel on Open Science and signing of a collaboration agreement between Africa and Latin America: the highlights of the closing session of TICAL2020 and the 4th e-Science Meeting

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Instead of conversations in the hallways, we had tweets. In the place of group photos, screenshots. And instead of farewell hugs, the immense desire to meet in person in 2021. The 10th edition of the TICAL Conference and the 4th of the Latin American e-Science Meeting came to an end on this Thursday 3rd. The event was held online since Monday, August 31, on the site tical2020.redclara.net, given the difficulties imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.





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