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TICAL2020 and 4th e-Science Meeting announce the extension of the deadline for submission of papers

TICAL2020 and 4th e-Science Meeting announce the extension of the deadline for submission of papers

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May 11, at 24:00 GMT: This is the new deadline date and time for the submission of papers for the calls of the TICAL Conference and the 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting, which will take place online between August 31 and September 2.

The decision to extend the deadlines from April 20 to May 11, taken by the Organizing Team and the Program Committee, will give interested parties more time to prepare and apply for their papers. Given the scenario imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, TICAL and the e-Science Meeting will continue to be carried out together, but now virtually, in a videoconference mode (the platform chosen by RedCLARA for this will be promptly informed).

TICAL and the e-Science Meeting will address "The Digital Route of an Intelligent University" theme. Paper applications must be submitted in strict compliance with the format established in the bases of both calls and in their respective Authors' Guides, updated to comply with the characteristics of a virtual presentation.

Given the new modality of development of the event, participation in it will be free of charge but requires registration; register soon, as spaces are limited.

Useful links:

For more information on TICAL2020 and the 4th e-Science Meeting, please visit https://tical2020.redclara.net





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