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RESOURCES: Proceedings of TICAL2019 and the 3rd Latin American Meeting of e-Science available for consultation and download

RESOURCES: Proceedings of TICAL2019 and the 3rd Latin American Meeting of e-Science available for consultation and download

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The proceedings of the TICAL2019 Conference and the 3rd Latin American e-Science Meeting, events that took place between September 2 and 4, 2019, in Cancun, Mexico, are already available for consultation and download.

In the documents you will find, divided by thematic axes, the papers on experiences of different institutions and researchers from Latin American and European countries, selected by the Program Committee of the two events as the most interesting and innovative. All publications have ISBN code.

To download the Proceedings of the 3rd Latin American Meeting of e-Science, please visit https://redclara.net/index.php/pt/pages/actividades/encuentro-e-ciencia

To download the Proceedings of TICAL2019, please visit https://redclara.net/index.php/es/colaboracion/actividades/conferencia-tical/actas-ticall






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