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RedCLARA and Internet Society sign MoU to potentiate mutual collaboration

RedCLARA and Internet Society sign MoU to potentiate mutual collaboration

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The Latin America Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA) and Internet Society (ISOC) signed this Tuesday, September 4, in the framework of the TICAL2018 Conference and the 2nd Latin America Meeting of e-Science, in Cartagena de Indias, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that seeks to enhance collaboration between the two parties. The organizations were represented by Luis Eliécer Cadenas Marín, Executive Director of RedCLARA, and Christian O'Flaherty, Senior Development Manager of ISOC for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Among the actions contemplated in the MoU are the collaboration in the organization of workshops, conferences, training seminars and the execution of projects or research on topics that promote the vision of an Internet that favors innovation and social opportunities, emphasizing the promotion of routing security, undertaking initiatives to improve the adoption of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS). The organizations will work to identify cross collaboration and good practices in routing security in Latin America and with countries out of the region with which ISOC collaborates as part of the MANRS Campaign.

In matters of its competence, RedCLARA will support ISOC's efforts to involve academics and engineers of higher education institutions in Latin America through the direct dissemination of these actions to its member networks and to the broad RedCLARA public through its traditional communication channels.

In addition, within the scope of the TICAL Conference and other face-to-face scenarios in which RedCLARA has space for the development of training activities, whenever ISOC considers and consents to the execution of said activities, the network of Latin American academic networks will commit to record the sessions to use them to develop  online training courses (MOOC), which will be promoted as joint achievements between the two institutions.

"RedCLARA and Internet Society have been collaborating closely for years, this Memorandum brings that collaboration to a higher level of commitment; the relationship with Internet Society can not be more than fruitful, they have contributed content, concepts and fundamental values to the network since its formation, and today we are proud to formally become part of this great process. For RedCLARA this agreement is of great value and we know it will be for our members and their beneficiaries," said Luis Eliécer Cadenas, Executive Director of RedCLARA.

Christian O'Flaherty, Senior Development Manager of Internet Society for Latin America and the Caribbean, said that "academic networks have been pioneers in the development of the Internet in the region and in the world. Universities and academic networks, once again, can set an example and be pioneers in the implementation of best practices that make the Internet a better and more reliable service, today when security and stability on the Internet are fundamental for all societies."

About RedCLARA

CLARA is a non-profit non-governmental organization, constituted on June 10, 2003, whose statutes were duly approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay by resolution No. 317/2003 dated December 23, 2003. CLARA is formed by National Networks of Research and Education of diverse countries of Latin America (NREN), whose mission is to develop Advanced Networks of Investigation and Education, for use of its current or future associates, all interested in promoting the use of the Information and Communications Technologies and develop an infrastructure of Advanced Networks for the benefit of the university, research and education communities of their respective countries.

About Internet Society

The Internet Society is a global non-profit organization, trusted as the world’s independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards, and future development. It is working to ensure the Internet continues to grow and evolve as a platform for innovation, economic development, and social progress for people around the world.





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